Apply Ashtavakra Gita [ AAG ] – Day 7-11 | Question & Answers + Experiences (English)
AAG Q27: Jgd Saleel bhayya, why our karma of past life times cause suffering in this life time? Ans: Because you have done those karmas in your past life time.…
AAG Q27: Jgd Saleel bhayya, why our karma of past life times cause suffering in this life time? Ans: Because you have done those karmas in your past life time.…
AAG Q19: How to handle difficult situation and time management, even I know how to solve bt the implementation is tough task seen. Then how to motivate oneself to do…
AAG Q:01 |जैसा कि कहा जाता है , एक व्यक्ति जिसके मन में मांग है, ऐसा व्यक्ति नहीं सुन रहा है। हम इसके बारे में कैसे पता लगा सकते हैं।…
Read till the end! :) AAG Q:01 As it is said that, a person who asks in a demanding mind is not listening. How can we find out about it? …