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Happy Teachers’ Day!

As I was walking and feeling the wet trees, the grass accompanied by the serene silence of the night after a wholesome dinner, it just struck me – a teacher is not a person who just teaches, a teacher is not a person who just gives information or even knowledge for that matter.

A teacher is one who creates an environment, in which the seeking attitude of the student get kindled and the willingness to learn in the student blossoms. A teacher gently keeps guiding and creating an environment, which facilitates the learning, which facilitates the progress, building of the character of the person. So i realized, it’s very much like nature. With every season, different type of plants, fruits or flowers blossom in different climates. Similarly, a teacher creates a climate, for that particular seed, for that particular fruit to ripen, for particular flower to blossom, like the five elements.

The earth creates the minerals in the earth, it is the solidness of the earth which creates an environment. The earth gives a strong support.

Water is an indicator of love. The teacher creates an atmosphere of love. The teacher is so flexible, like water can take any shape, the teacher can take that shape as is required for the student.

The teacher is like the fire, it burns the negativity in the student and makes the positivity shine forth.

The teacher is like air. It can reach out to wherever the student is. The air can flow anywhere. The knowledge is as basic for our survival as is air.

And last but not the least, space – a teacher creates so much space. A teacher is accommodating, so that the student feels that the teacher is approachable. The student can come and share anything with the teacher, and everything can be taken – how much ever you fill up in the space the space doesn’t get over. The space is still infinite. So the teacher is like that, it can take anything from the student, and yet be unconditional in only giving more and more to the student.

So let us all be such kinds of teachers who can be facilitators, who can create that environment, who can create that climate, which the student requires and kindle their spirit of learning; let the seed of knowledge sprout in the student, and keep guiding them and ensuring that they keep growing continuously.

Happy Shikshak Day
Shikshak Din Ki Shubhkamnaye!!

Jai Gurudev



This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Rajashree

    Waw! Dada ,It’s so true! Teacher is like a ‘Philosopher’s Stone’ who changes the life of student by 360 degree!

  2. Surekha

    5 elements related with teacher r too good, that I don’t know

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